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Black Desert Slow

quimarewe1979 2020. 2. 29. 05:15

This BDO Shai Guide is a basic introduction to Black Desert Online’s newest class. Shai was released 26th June 2019 in Black Desert Online on NA servers.Shai Highlights:. Smallest arsenal of skills to choose from compared to other classes. Wonderfully whimsical: just try to play this class and not smile as she dances about. 🙂. Four HP Heals over time for party and self.

  1. Black Desert Online Download Slow 2018

Black Desert Online Download Slow 2018

Powerful Awakening skills that buff allies and debuff enemies. A spammable, short duration Invincibility skill, limited by Stamina. Very weak in offensive PVP (severe damage reduction penalties). Hill & Water Annoyances: skills don’t land if mob is on a hill. Shallow water sometimes makes her swim. Quick attack skills with low Cooldowns.

Powerful single target PVE, but lacking in widespread AOE and range. Life Skill Bonuses: Increased LT when leveling up and starts with Gathering & Alchemy at Professional 1. Skills that increase Alchemy/Gathering XP gain. Skills for 300% Combat XP buff from Gathering/Alchemy. Shai gets a quest for an improved donkey at level 56. Her donkey has the chance to learn special skills. (Donkey speed was improved for all classes, but only the Shai donkey has speed skills.

Turning can still be bothersome.). Shai’s Trainer’s Flute is unlimited by distance when calling her donkey, as long as the donkey is not carrying items.This BDO Shai Guide is a simple overview to highlight strengths and weaknesses. After reading this guide, you should have a better understanding of the Shai and if you would like to learn more. First Impressions:It’s been interesting learning to play a Shai. On one hand she is just too cute for words. She’s different than anything Black Desert has ever offered before.

I love the animations as she twirls her big boomerang in crazy circles.Her greatest strength is found in her healing ability and buffs. She has amazing self sustain in PVE and high HP.Will Shai be my new favorite?It’s hard to tell. She’s a bit frustrating for me because I can’t help but compare her lack of AOE to my current favorite class, the Archer.IMHO she lacks good AOE and range. The AOE she does have seems to be focused into a narrow column or small area. This may make her perfect for tanky high HP mobs all packed together.

Her hits do a bazillion small attacks. She has been a challenge to level compared to my archer that hits in a wide AOE with everything insta dead. Or maybe I just don’t know how to play her that well!I think I would enjoy her more if she felt more necessary to the game. Typically, MMORPG games require healers in certain difficult dungeons, etc. But BDO has yet to really push anything out that is like that Maybe she will be beneficial in Altar of Blood?

Will players be burning down my door for a healing hand there? BDO has hinted at adding more PVE group content. Will there be more in the future? ● Control: ☆☆☆☆● Defense: ★☆☆☆● Combo: ★★☆☆● Evasion: ★★☆☆● Attack: ★☆☆☆Character Creation Key: Class Tier Stats Explained:.Control: This is a measure of the difficulty in controlling the Shai. The Shai was given 0/4 for Control difficulty by the developers.

She has the lowest score out of all classes in Control. So she must be easy peasy right?.Defense: Defense measures the Shai’s ability to take damage that hits her. This score is 1/4.

Expect to get higher damage than a 4 star Valk when you’re hit. This stat surprises me since Shai feels a bit more tanky than a rank 1. It must be because of her high HP and heals.Combo: A Combo is a combination of key presses in a set order to perform a series of powerful moves. This ranking is a measure of the complexity of key combos available to the class. Shai has a ranking of 2 for Combo.Evasion: Evasion measures the class ability to evade attacks. Shai has 2/4 in Evasion, so we should expect the Shai to not evade as well as a Ranger, for example, who has max Evasion.Attack: Attack measures how much damage this class can dish out.

Shai scores a 1/4 in Attack, which is the lowest of all classes. This is certainly true in PVP.

BDO Shai WeaponsThe Shai wields a Florang for her main hand weapon and a Sol for her Awakening weapon. The Sol is transformed into a Lute (Tring), Flute (Tute), or Drums (Tamtam) while using her Awakening skills. Imagine rocking the world with some amazing instruments during action combat! 🙂 BDO Shai IconShai WeaponShai SubweaponAwakening WeaponDefault LookShai Skill ExampleShaiFlorangVitclariSol:– Lute (Tring)– Flute (Tute)– Drums (Tamtam)Please, update your browser to see the video!

Shai SkillsCompared to all other classes, Shai has a limited amount of skills to work with. So what she has, you better learn to like or else! 🙂Quite a few skills have Superarmor, but her major buff skills (songs) are unprotected. Her two Awakening debuffs have Superarmor. She has one damaging block and a few stuns. Her Hop skill gives her Invincibility.Shai has some interesting skills, including one that causes her to look like she died.

It gives Invincibility for 2 seconds.Here are a few of her bread and butter pre-awakening skills:Hop: (Shift + any direction)Hop is a skill that gives Invincibility, meaning it will protect you from everything, even from grabs.The downside is that the duration of the skill is only 1 second long. This means there is a two second window, where you might become vulnerable as you wait for the 3 second cooldown.Shai Skill Highlight:.

1 second Invincibility from grabs, CC, and damage. 3 second cooldown (2 seconds of waiting for cooldown.). costs 150 Stamina, causing Stamina to run out very quickly (you can spam 8 in a row at level 56.). Shai Bonfire ToolShai has an exclusive that heals allies.Bonfire Tool can be crafted with Simple Alchemy by using 5 of any kind of timber, such as logs, 5 Rough Stones, and 5 Powder of Flame.Using the Bonfire Tool will create a Bonfire.Bonfires last 10 minutes. They heal nearby allies for 25 HP per 10 seconds and cure hypothermia.Bonfire Tools have a cooldown of 30 minutes.Shai Skill Addons (Pre-Awakening)Skill Addons can be learned at levels 50, 52, and 54. Shai Awakening (Talent)Shai’s Awakening is called “Talent”.

The devs did this to reflect the unique nature of the Shai class.Shai uses an item called “Sol” which is placed in the Talent slot in her inventory (I), instead of an Awakening Weapon placed into the Awakening Weapon slot.Shai’s Instrument exclusive skills become more efficient by enhancing the instrument.Shai plays one of Tring, Tute, and Tamtam depending on the skill she casts.Level 56+ Shai can obtain the quest from Black Spirit’s “Suggested” quest tab.Shai can’t open existing awakening weapon boxes or obtain Awakening weapons in the normal fashion via bosses, etc. Shia gets 1 blue and 1 yellow grade Talent weapon called ‘Sol’, after completing her level 56+ quest line.The blue graded instrument can’t be enhanced but it has high default stats.

The default stat for the yellow grade is lower than that of the blue, but it can become more powerful through enhancement.Shai’s instrument cannot be dyed.You can neither use the Canon Sol as a Fairy Growth ingredient nor discard it.Thank you to Fufu, who posted the following Shai Awakening details in the. C Swap (Unprotected). E Buff 30 AP 5% Special Attack Damage for 30 seconds (Super Armor) Cooldown: 3M.

Left Click (Unprotected) 150 HP Heal 5% MP Recovery every tick while standing still. Q (Super Armor) Enemies Evasion/DP 10% reduced for 20 seconds. Cooldown: 30S.

Shift + Q (Super Armor) Minus 50% Crit Rate and minus 10% Movement Speed for enemies that get hit by it. Cooldown: 30S. F at rank 3 (Unprotected) Attack Speed/Movement Speed/Casting Speed 10% for 30 seconds. Cooldown: 40S. S+F at rank 3 (Unprotected) 1500 HP Buff for 30 seconds and a 500 HP Heal every tick. Cooldown: 40S. S+RMB at rank 3 (Unprotected) 40% Resist Buff for 30 seconds.

Cooldown: 40S. Right Click at rank 3 (Unprotected) 0.45% extra rage recovery for 20 seconds Cooldown: 40S. Shift + F (Super Armor) AOE Stiffen Ring 1093% x 16 Cooldown: 6S. Shift + RMB (Super Armor) Small Fire Circle AOE in front of the Shai that applies – 20% Movement Speed/Attack Speed/ Casting Speed Debuff 1093% x 7 Cooldown: 8S. Shift + LMB (Super Armor) AOE Cone in front of the Shai that stuns targets 1003% x 7 Cooldown: 15S All skills have a maximum of 10 targets. Shai Life Skill Buffs:.

Starts with Professional 1 Gathering & Alchemy. Light Bag: Passive skill that increases the amount of Weight Limit you gain when you level up. Potential for faster Trade skill deliveries using a donkey with higher LT limits and donkey gear.

(Sounds as if the devs want to improve on the Shai/Donkey friendship and “functions” in the future.). Developer’s Comment — “Donkeys have been a part of the world of Black Desert since the beginning, but they never received the attention they deserve. With the release of Shai, we would like to give the donkeys a well deserved fresh new start as well. Although they cannot completely replace horses, we plan to start off with them being companions of Shai and add more donkey specific functions as time goes. Not being noticed by monsters and having a sort of roaming mode would be good examples.”. Can wear Florin Herb Gatherer Clothes (can be crafted at a Lv. 1 Costume Workshop).

actually has nothing to do with the Gathering Life Skill, but might help with its +1 Crit buff. Wearable on: Armor, Gloves, Shoes, Helmet.

Can use Tailoring Coupon to transform into a costume. (Adds +15 Amity).

10 Skills that give up to +5% Gathering/Alchemy XP. 2 Skills that give +300% Combat Exp after Gathering/Alchemy.From Global Lab patch notes:Shai: New passive skills that increase the amount of experience gained from gathering and alchemy has been added. Donkey SkillDonkey Skill EffectMaster of Gathering IV5% 25% increased EXP to Gathering life skillMaster of Alchemy IV5% 25% increased EXP to Alchemy life skillShai Florin Herb Gatherer ClothesIn order to make “Florin Herb Gatherer Clothes”, you need “Design: Florin Herb Gatherer Clothes – Shai”.You can receive “Design: Florin Herb Gatherer Clothes – Shai” as a reward by completing the quest from the NPC “Kunata Don” in Florin.You can accept the new quest from the NPC “Kunata Don” in Florin.This quest can be completed once per Family, and can be accepted by any character of Lv. 40 or above without any restrictions.Life Saving Herb.Oh, the Sweet Scent.Will it Burn Me?.White Azalea?.Dawn of Day.Once in a Million Years?.Truth about the Herb.After completing the quest, you can buy the item from the Amity Shop of the Florin Armor Vendor “Zelfinith”.Shai Gatherer’s Clothes Recipe Shai Florin Herb Gatherer Clothes RecipeDesign– Workload(15m)Required workshop level: 1– Crafting Materials. Shai Donkey SkillsShai can choose one of the 3 donkeys after completing a level 56+ Black Spirit quest called. These special donkeys have a chance to learn unique skills when leveling up, which can make them stronger.Shai do not have distance limits on ther Trainer’s Flutes when calling their donkey, as long as the donky isn’t carrying any items.Shai can ride normal mounts, but she cannot use her attack skills while mounted.Donkey SkillDescriptionHind Kick!Kick the enemies behind you with hind legs.Run RunGallop at a fast pace.Step Aside!Dash forward to hit enemies in front.Just Chillin’This is a roaming mode where you can just chill on the back of your donkey and wander the world.

Press E while mounted on a donkey to change Shai’s position. Press it again to lie down on your back. Pressing T during these positions will make the donkey set off on a slow walk.The Donkeys names are Derome, Cherose, and Vallet.The skill Just Chillin’ is already learned on level 1. Anders:Anders has been busy playing the Shai and has a helpful video in his, like the one below.BDO Shai Description & Video (Official) Shai: Shais excel at providing buffs on the battlefield.

While they can fight off incoming threats with their giant boomerangs, they can also avoid dangerous situations through their swift movements. Their versatility allows them to protect or heal those around them.Shai Lore (Official)The following Shai Lore and images were taken from the official website“A baby in the woods?”A warm and gentle breeze blew softly through the woods, rustling the sleeping baby’s hair. The Chief of Florin, Valentine, stood over her, smiling softly at her. She lay, no bigger than a newborn squirrel, amongst the calmness of the forest floor.Valentine looked around, perhaps for a hint of where the baby came from, but between the birds singing in the trees and the deer prancing through the forest, there was no sign of anyone.He carefully picked up the baby Shai, and held her against his chest as he headed back towards his village. During the walk, she reached out with her tiny hand and touched Valentine’s beard. Her dew-like eyes opened, and Valentine knew then that he would do his best to raise her.“She was like the gift of dawn.”As Valentine raised the girl, he encouraged in her one of the primary qualities of the Shai: curiosity. However, he soon realized that this Shai was different from most other Shais.Whereas most Shais channel their curiosity into experimenting with potion-making, this girl’s curiosity extended beyond that.

Her curiosity, carefree spirit, and trickster nature was the cause of many headaches for the Valentine as the Chief of Florin.The girl would climb Karanda Ridge and took as many Harpy eggs as she could carry. As she would eventually be chased from the ridge by angry Harpies, she would howl with laughter, the harpies’ sharp claws not even fazing her.She would sing and dance in the herb gardens, destroying the precious herbs beneath her feet.She once even stole Valentine’s prized donkey, joyously riding it around the village until her tiny legs gave in and she ended up tumbling to the ground in a laughing heap.Despite the trouble that always followed in her wake, the villagers could not help but enjoy her antics.“It is time to test your skills.”Shais do not age like humans. They tend to look youthful even in old age. Even Valentine, the oldest of the Shais, still looks like he is in his early 20’s even though he is 110 years old by the Elionian Calendar. As the years passed like a leaf floating down the river, the young Shai reached 15 by the Elionian Calendar.

This is a special age for Shais and marks the first test of becoming an adult.The alchemy test is one that all Shais must pass, and the young girl was no different. She decided to try and make cookies that cause white leaves to sprout from your head by mixing rare herbs together. So she set off towards the forest, looking for the rare herb.As she wandered through the trees and thick overgrowth, she came across a cave.

She remembered that Valentine had previously given strict orders never to enter strange caves.“Curiosity killed the cat.”Yet, the mischievous Shai had no second thoughts. She put one happy foot in front of the other, almost dancing into the dark cave.A dim light deep inside the cave marked her destination, as she danced past the stalagmites and dived under the stalactites.

It was then she stumbled upon Caphras’ hidden laboratory.“What’s a laboratory doing here?”Her eyes grew big as they looked upon all the things she had never seen before. Her hands brushed over the tools, across huge jars and tiny vials.

A pile of books on a table caught her interest. The book on top seemed to sparkle and illuminate the room.The young Shai climbed up onto a chair, then onto the table. As she reached for the book, the table gave way beneath her feet, everything flew into the air, and as she landed she saw a jar come crashing down.The jar smashed on the stone floor, and a black mist flew towards her. As she reeled back attempting to protect herself, she was surrounded by flames.

Florin, her home, was engulfed. Men, women, and children laid bloody and fallen all around her. The smell of smoke and burning herbs filled the air, almost suffocating her.She stood in the middle of all this destruction and screamed a blood-curdling scream. She stood motionless, the fear of what she was witnessing filling every inch of her body.“What is that light in the darkness”She turned to the warm voice that she heard. The sound of the burning village almost melted away as she spotted a small orb glowing on the floor.

Fighting the fear that gripped her body, she reached out a hand. When she laid her hands on the glowing orb, the sounds of the burning village raced past her ears, and the black mist vanished without a trace.Despite the horrors that melted away around her, the orb glowing with the light of the world remained.She was free from the darkness, yet the panic remained. As she turned to run she dropped the orb behind her. In her haste, she didn’t even hear the orb as it clanked on the floor. She continued to run as fast as her legs would take her, and the light of the orb became engulfed in the darkness of the cave.The young woman who was so full of life grew somber and silent. Where the valley was once filled with her laughter, it now rang with a deafening silence. The villagers were worried about her, trying to get her to at least talk but she stayed silent.She could not shake the images she saw.

Nightmares kept her awake at night, and picking herbs brought no joy. Everything she enjoyed slowly lost its draw, and she withdrew to her small hut.Time passed like the pages of a book, and at age 30, it was time for the Shai’s second coming of age ceremony. In those years she shook off much of the horrors she witnessed, yet she could not erase the images of the orb from her mind with the radiant light and the small world within. The less the nightmares plagued her, the more visions of the orb shone through. ‘The light of the world,’ she thought to herself.For their second coming of age ceremony, a Shai must collect the most precious of treasures. For many Shais, this may be collecting some incredibly rare herbs or a special Flondor goose egg.

Yet for her, there was only one precious treasure she wanted to retrieve, and she thought now she could finally gather enough courage to go to the cave again.“I’m ready to go back now.”She unlocked the door of her hut, grabbed her giant boomerang florang, and ventured once more to the cave. This time she walked through the cave, carefully making sure her florang didn’t bump against all the stalagmites and stalactites. With each step, her heart raced.

Each step could bring her face to face with her deepest fears.As the faint light of the lab grew closer and closer, she could feel the warming presence of the orb. Yet as soon as one foot touched the lab’s cold floor, she was surrounded by darkness. Her breath stopped, once again fear consumed her.As she stood in the darkness, she began to hear the sounds of a conversation from two Shais in front of her.“You need to leave, I’ll be right behind you.”As she reached out towards them, the darkness moved to block her. Face to face with an entity of darkness, the Shai felt trapped.Yet in the corner of her eye, she could see the orb, this time shining brighter than she remembered from before. She shook off her fear and dove towards the light. The darkness tried to pull her back and each moment felt like an eternity, but her hand eventually grasped the orb.“My head feels like it’s been cracked open. I’m hungry, so very hungry.”‘How much time had passed?’ she contemplated as she stared up at the sky, watching a white fluffy cloud float.

The leaves rustled softly in the warm spring breeze, birds sang wistfully to each other.It all felt unfamiliar. Everything she saw was new, every sound was a surprise, even the feeling of the soft ground beneath her was foreign.She met that darkness twice, and it had devoured all her memories.A beautiful song echoed around her. She stood up to try and find the source of the sweet melody. The orb dangled gently from her waist, and as she looked at it, it glowed and sang a happy tune.She felt calm, as if the warm spring breeze had wrapped itself around her.

Feeling lifted, she skipped her first steps into her new adventure with glee.Shai Awakening Lore (Official). Full of curiosity, Shai approaches the forbidden cave where she suffers a terrible nightmare from which she will never awake and loses all her memories.

ATTENTION:While this guide still has many useful and practical strategies for making money with Cooking and leveling Cooking, please note that it is incorrect in places that talk about money per hour and Imperial Cooking. There have been so many changes to Cooking and the Economy since this guide was written. The Marketplace is very different and Cooking ingredient pricing and availability is ever changing.For more up to date guides:. Cooking Utensil and Cooking Gear comparisons, plus an in-depth tutorial on each step involved in basic cooking, like buying a Residence and finding ingredients,. Imperial Cooking recipes and rewards.This guide was originally written by, who generously published a Cooking Guide in ““. This well-received, 260 page guide was added to and edited by me.

It was published with with Eminent’s permission. Thanks Eminent!! With all the recent Cooking changes, I have given up updating this guide. Please see above links for current Cooking guides. (Eminent is currently taking a break from Black Desert Online.). Table of Contents.Eminent’s BDO Cooking GuideCooking is one of the most useful Life Skills in the game, and is a must if you want to build your account.

Cooking brings together various ingredients to make useful dishes, like beer to feed your workers. Most importantly however, is that cooking is the fastest method in the game to raise your Contribution Points.Need a Beginner Cooking Guide?This is a more advanced guide for Cooking in BDO, focusing on leveling cooking, profitability, and Imperial Cooking. For an introduction to the Cooking Skill and how to get started, please visit the. This guide is more beginner friendly and goes into depth on each step involved in basic cooking, like buying a Residence, finding ingredients, and comparing Cooking Utensils and Cooking Gear.

Cooking for MoneyCooking is a great skill for making money for 3 reasons:. Beer. Imperial Cooking. CP hand insCooking Beer:95% of players have all of the cereal nodes because it’s one of the foundations of a node network. Therefore, 95% of players have all of the ingredients required to make beer. Making beer is a good 5m/h profit, but more than that you’re making something extremely useful.

Beer is what you’ll use to feed your workers and keep them working. You’ll use beer every day, and you can never have enough of it. Never sell your beer.Pros:. Easy to make. Readily available ingredients. Extremely useful itemCons:.

Very slow XPImperial Cooking:A great method of making money that can net you 20m+ every day. Imperial Cooking involves making dishes, packaging them into boxes, and then selling them to an imperial delivery NPC.Pros:. Usually the best profit for your ingredients. Imperial Seals for extra money. Medium XP ratesCons:. Profit is dependent on your CP (allowable turn-ins is based upon player CP).

The best boxes have high competition, so you’ll either not sell out or have to hop a lot of serversCP Hand Ins:Every time you cook a dish, there is an 18% chance you’ll receive. Each one is worth 10 Contribution XP, which really stacks up. Because of these, cooking is the fastest way to raise your CP, and thus build a more expansive worker empire.The combination of cooking beer and imperial dishes is what the majority of players do when they cook. If your main goal is to make money and build CP, that is a totally fine way to play, but if your goal is to level quickly then it’s not going to cut it. Because of the benefits that cooking provides, it is widely practiced and has one of the fiercest competitions for Leader Board spots of any Life Skill. If you want to outlevel other players then you’re going to have to step up your game a bit. Cooking XPTo maximize your cooking XP, the first thing you need to do is minimize your cooking time.

By default, every “cook” takes 10 seconds. This can be lowered to a minimum of 1 second. Items that can reduce cooking time are:. Silver Embroidered Cooks Clothes, 2-6 second reduction depending on upgrade. P2W Cooks Clothes (Canape Costume), 2 seconds. Advanced Cooking Utensil, 1 second. Teff Sandwich, 0.5 seconds.

Alchemy Stone, varies, probably between 0.9-1.4 secondsSo one common setup is +3 clothes (4 seconds), P2W clothes (2 seconds), Advanced Cooking Utensil (1 second), Alchemy Stone (0.9 seconds) = 10 – 4 – 2 – 1 – 0.9 = 2.1 seconds. That’s pretty darn fast cooking, but let’s think about that a little more.Suppose we have a goal of hitting guru cooking, and we determine that it would take us 2 months of cooking to get there. If we upgraded our Silver Embroidered Cooks Clothes from +3 to +4 (2.1 to 1.1), that would cut nearly an entire month of cook time off of our goal! It’s incredible how much of a difference a single second can make, but this really shows the importance of getting as low of a cook time as possible. In general, if you can’t get down to around 2 second cook time, I wouldn’t bother trying to cook for XP. If you can’t get down to 3 second cooking, I wouldn’t bother cooking at all, because at that point there are much better things you could be doing with your time.Once you have cook time out of the way, you run into the extremely important question of What should I cook?

The amount of XP you get from cooking is dependent on the level required to cook that item. The XP for recipes is as follows:Beginner recipes: 400xpApprentice recipes: 800xpSkilled recipes: 1200xpProfessional recipes: 1600xpArtisan recipes: 2000xpNote that there is no XP difference between a recipe that requires beginner 1 and a recipe that requires beginner 5.Given this information, it’s obvious that if we want to level as fast as possible we need to cook higher level dishes. However, there are 2 problems with this idea:. High level dishes require lots of rare ingredients to create. Most of those ingredients are difficult to acquire or buy on the Market PlaceLet’s take a look at an example dish to understand the problem some more.

Here we’ll look at the which is an artisan recipe (currently the highest level dish in the game).The margoria seafood meal is a 5 ingredient dish which requires:.Your first instinct might be to buy all of the ingredients to save time. That’s a good thought, because cooking lower level dishes is a waste of time, so buying them will bring us in much faster XP. There’s a problem though.Our first two ingredients are completely sold out on the Marketplace. To make matters worse, only 16,000 Steamed Prawn have EVER been sold. That’s only a couple days worth of cooking, we need a much larger stockpile than that.Well, if we can’t buy them, we can make them ourselves right?

At least that way we can get some cooking XP. Well.Prawn Salad requires:.Eggs are difficult enough. They are a rare resource that bottleneck a plethora of recipes, and it requires 3 of them nonetheless. To make matters worse, this recipe also calls for shrimp, which you can get rarely from underwater gathering. It seems that it will be difficult to supply a lot of themAll of this trouble we’re having, and this is only one of the five ingredients we need to make our Margoria Meal!You probably understand the point by now, so I’m not going to go over the other 4 things you need to make the dish. Even if the other 4 ingredients were dead simple, the problem of the shrimp make it a completely unreasonable thing to grind out for cooking XP.If we want to get the fastest XP possible, we need something that we can make an infinite amount of, while also ensuring that it is a high level dish. Additionally, we need to make sure that dish isn’t going to lose more money than we can pay for.

Sure, you might be able to power level quickly with a certain meal, but if you lose 60m+ silver per day in the process well, you’ll quickly run out of money.With so many requirements, we become extremely limited in what recipes we can cook. So What Should I Cook to Power Level Cooking?In the end, although I led you this far, I can’t tell you what dish you should cook. Supply and demand change, and considering the longevity of this guide I can’t keep updating the best dish to cook every time the market changes. Additionally, the “best” dish largely depends on the individual, and their own play style, node network, etc. If nothing else, I don’t want my own dish to become over-saturated, because then I will have a much harder time leveling cooking myself 😉This is an excellent point to take on the trait of a true Life Skiller. Only by thinking for yourself and coming up with your own “best” plan will you be able to pass the people who have been cooking far longer than you have.

Even if it takes experimentation and failure, you need to experience that and create your own method for leveling.I can’t tell you which dish is best for you to cook, but I can teach you how to discover that information for yourself.Step 1: Research the Right Recipewhere you can sort by ingredient, effect, or skill level (required to make the dish). I recommend sorting by skill level, and attempting to find a recipe that is skilled or higher. If you’re going to be doing beginner or apprentice recipes, you might as well just do Imperial Cooking and make way more money.Go through every single recipe with a high skill level, read their required ingredients, and do what we did earlier.

See how hard it is to buy the ingredients, see how hard it is to make the ingredients, and then consider your own situation to figure out if it’s reasonable.Once you find a recipe that is reasonable to make, there is one other step.which is to consider the financial aspect of cooking.Step 2: Calculate Real CostYou’re going to need to do some math here, google sheets/excel is your friend. Consider that every “cook” you will get, on average, 2.5 dishes.

Also consider that 30% of the time you will get a rare proc. Find the amount of silver you will have to spend on every ingredient, and then consider how much you will earn from cooking them.DO NOT JUST USE THE Marketplace VALUE OF THE MEAL IN YOUR CALCULATIONS.You need to see if the meal you cook will even sell on the Marketplace. Here’s another example (because I know you love examples):Let’s pretend that after all of your searching you determined that you want to cook.Sure, they sell for 1.7k each, but only 317k have EVER been sold. If you want to grind for guru you might be making a million of these bad boys. There’s also a fairly large stack of them sitting there waiting to be sold already, despite the low supply over time.What this tells us is that it is extremely difficult to sell coconut cocktails in large amounts.

If you cook 200k of them per week, it’s going to be a nightmare to sell them all — it’ll never happen.In which case, you will have to sell them to a vendor. While the Marketplace values them at around 1.7k, vendors will only buy them for 532 silver. Ouch.This is some really ugly looking math, but the point is that you’re looking at an upwards of a 22m silver loss PER DAY. For the majority of players this is completely unacceptable (although if you are doing an overnight activity that profits enough it is technically feasible).When calculating potential loss you should also consider that, with the exception of the CP byproduct, all other cooking byproducts have a 20% rate. The silver/beer you get from byproducts may seem insignificant, but I assure you it’s not (assuming you’re going to be doing a lot of cooking).Also consider the 30% rare proc rate, which will vendor for even more silver.

Some rares sell well on the Marketplace so you’ll have to check that too.My above math didn’t take into consideration those smaller details, but yours definitely should if you’re making a long term game plan. Cooking for Money: Imperial RecipesI briefly mentioned Imperial Cooking as the best way to make money with the Life Skill. There are a lot of things to consider when taking this approach to cooking, so I think it’s necessary to delve a little deeper into the finer details.Let’s look at the boxes that we can make. The bottleneck ingredients are highlighted in red. The good thing is, if you want to make any substantial amount of crates, cooking the dishes will almost assuredly get you the cooking level required to make the box.Once you have enough dishes, you simply hit L to open the processing menu and choose Imperial Cuisine to process those meals into boxes.The boxes you make will never expire.You can turn in your boxes in Olvia, Heidel, Calpheon, Altinova, or Valencia.

You should probably cook in the same city you’ll be turning these things in at, because it will be a pain in the ass to move all the boxes later. The amount of imperial boxes you can sell per day is your CP/2 (so at 100 CP you can sell 50 boxes per day).

Each Imperial Delivery Manager will only accept 23-37 of any kind of box every 3 hours. This limit is server wide, so if someone else sold out on that server before you you’re out of luck.On the bright side you can hop servers and sell your boxes there. On the down side you have to wait 10 minutes after hopping servers to sell imperial boxes.When you create boxes, there is a chance to proc 2 crates at once, which means free money. From my own data (2329 tests) I believe the rate at which you get double procs to be 10%.

That’s not enough data to say definitively, but I’ll do more tests in the future to find out.Now that we know a little more about how Imperial Cooking works, let’s go back to the essence of the issue — What should I cook?To answer that question, we first need to consider those pesky bottleneck materials. Fish/Dried Fish. Eggs. Meat. Milk. White Sauce.

Cream. Egg.

Red Sauce. Cheese. Grilled Sausage. Reptile Meat.

Seafood/Dried Seafood. Tea with Fine Scent.

Oatmeal. Blood. Soft BreadThat’s a lot of bottlenecks. In reality, most of the things on that list are recipes themselves, and are only bottlenecks because they need other bottlenecked materials. That list can be shortened down to:.

Fish/Dried Fish. Seafood/Dried Seafood. Eggs. Milk. MeatFish & Seafood Bottleneck:In reality, fish and seafood aren’t terrible bottlenecks because of fish nodes. Slap some CP into Epheria and buy the hell out of those cheap nodes for a huge income of fish.With these nodes alone, (or you could even expand a little bit northeast), you will probably have more fish than you can ever deal with.Egg Bottleneck:Eggs are acquired through the 2 chicken meat nodes outside Velia.

Eggs are an extremely valuable resource for a multitude of recipes. These nodes should be invested in early on, and good workers should be put on them.NOTE: As of the July 18, 2018 patch, Chicken Meat is now useful. It’s used to create Grilled Bird Meat, which is a good and inexpensive Stamina food for workers. They also added an Imperial Cooking recipe called Apprentice’s Five-Grain Chicken Porridge Cooking Box, which has no bottleneck! 🙂Chicken Cooking Box Recipe: 20 Five-Grain Chicken Porridges (Ground Bird Meat x2 + Mineral Water x2 + Grain x3)Grilled Bird Meat Recipe: Chicken Meat x2, Deep Frying Oil x6, Cooking Wine x2, Salt x1Milk Bottleneck:Milk is a sort of tricky one. There are 3 ways to get milk:.

Milking minigame. Farming cows. Cooking byproductsIf you look at that list and get stressed out due to the overwhelming number of options you have, then fret no more! The milking minigame is awful and a waste of energy, and farming cows is one of the worst uses for your farms. There you go, there’s only 1 way to get milk.aka “the milk byproduct” has a 20% chance to be acquired each cook. That means every 15 cooks you will get 1 milk.Milk, like eggs, is an extremely valuable ingredient that is used throughout a huge number of imperial dishes. Because of its rarity though, it’s important to make a strong plan for it before using it all, otherwise it could end up wasted.Meat Bottleneck:Meat is a rare ingredient that you get from butchering animals (probably sheep).Meat has a huge number of uses, and pretty much all of those profit more than just selling your meat on the Marketplace.

For that reason, it is completely impractical to buy meat. Instead, the only way to get it is to gather it yourself. For more info check out the gathering section.With all that out of the way, it’s evident that you can’t mass produce anything that has a bottlenecked material (otherwise it wouldn’t be a bottleneck).

You might be going back to the mentality of “Then why don’t I just cook something with no bottlenecked materials?” However that’s not quite the conclusion that I wanted you to come to.Egg dishes are great, but you can’t make a lot of them.Milk dishes are great, but you can’t make a lot of them.Meat dishes are great, but you can’t make a lot of them. Cooking Spread: Diversify for Profit & XPThe solution is to diversify what you cook. Not only will this allow you to make more valuable imperial dishes, it also makes it easier to sell out daily. My name is Suzy and I'm GrumpyG's editor. The title says 'About the Author', but I haven't written every guide here.

It just means I published it. Many thanks to the players that have given their time and permission to publish their work here. I will try to keep everything updated with our constantly patching Black Desert Online.

If you see any errors, please let me know in the comments. If you are brave enough to contact me privately, click the secret Contact link hidden on this page.